Thursday, November 21, 2013

Day 3 - Have you been outed?

When my ex-wife and I were really struggling, I came out to my family both about my addiction and my GD. I told them that I'd been on hormones in the past. At the time, I thought I was done with it, that I could shut it out of my life forever. Fast forward a few years though; I've accepted and embraced that part of me, and I've never been happier. When my ex and I divorced, she told her whole family, even aunts, uncles, and cousins, about my transgender background. That really hurt. She didn't tell my friends. I'm still not out to the world and doubt I ever will be. But more and more, strangers greet me with feminine pronouns. The guards at the gate for work always use ma'am. A waiter came up behind me and asked what us ladies (my wife was across from me) wanted to drink. Seeing my face, though, he apologized for mistakenly calling me a woman. Then I took off my jacket revealing my chest and feminine clothing. Poor guy. He got a big tip that night from us. Once at a department store, the attendant almost let me in to help my wife try on some clothes because she thought I was a woman. So, no, I haven't really been outed. But if someone were to out me, or if someone discovered it, I am okay. I'm okay if the world finds out about me, about Grace. But I'm not the one ready to tell it to the world. I probably won't ever be, especially since I don't plan to completely transition.

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