Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Day 22 - Careers and Trans

22) Do you feel being trans holds you back from your career choice

So far it hasn't. Since I'm not out, being trans hasn't really affected my job. I do wonder how many of my coworkers have suspicions. Having long curly hair isn't exactly a giveaway, but since I often paint my nails or wear a little makeup, they must have suspected something.

Even if I were out, I don't suspect I'd have to change my career choice or anything. I'm still a nerd that loves math, science, and technology. And working in the industry that I do, it's more about the product than the presentation that matters.

Day 21 - Cis-gendered Community

21) Your views on the cis-gendered community

I'm jealous. To not have to worry about something so crucial, so much a part of a person, is a great blessing. To know one's own identity in life is vital to lasting joy. So how do I get there? What bliss they must live in, many completely ignorant of the struggle we deal with on a daily or even hourly basis.

I used to be homophobic. I was ignorant and prejudiced. Now that I have let down my guard, gotten to know some people that struggle with SSA, I understand a little better. As I've let go of my premonitions, I've grown in empathy not only for those in the LGBT community but for everyone different from me. I hope those in the cis-gendered community have the same opportunity to reach out to and understand others, especially us transgender folk.