Thursday, August 25, 2016

Humidity of Summer 2016

The humidity has been absurdly high this summer, or it seems like it anyway.  We were in Kentucky last week, and the humidity was so bad that my shoes stayed soaked with sweat for the whole duration of our stay!  On one of my runs while there, I deposited my shirt on the side of a road in a remote area near a park.  I ran a short loop through the park and was back to that spot within 20 minutes.  Sadly, my shirt was gone!  So I continued on my way for another hour or so with just my sports bra and shorts.  When I came back to give the thief a second chance, it still wasn't there.  I was pissed - it was my favorite shirt as it hugged and accentuated whatever little curves my body has.  And it was cute.  And it was my favorite singlet!! And it matched my shorts like no other of my shirts could. Why would anyone want to steal a sweaty petite running shirt?!?  Part of me wonders if they're some pervert who is now getting aroused at smelling my bodily fluids...  Oh well, I have plenty of shirts. :(

Anywho, while I was out on a run recently, I came up with a list about humidity.
As a runner you know it's humid (and miserably hot) when: -You're soaked in less than five minutes with sweat.
-Not only are your shirt, shorts, and bra soaked, but your socks and shoes are also dripping. #drippingsweat
-Your soaked shoes are still wet a couple days later. #sweatyShoes
-As you are running, sweat flies off of the ends of your hands.
-You rejoice at the sight of rain clouds but are angry when those clouds don't release a single drop. Or if it does rain, it only rains for a couple minutes, enough to raise the miserable factor yet a couple more degrees.
-You look forward to that cold shower waiting for you at home. Unless you live in Arizona where even ground water doesn't cool at night.
-You would jump at the opportunity to suffer through the hellish dry heat of the southwest US.
-After you get home and shower, you spend ten minutes wiping up the trail of sweat puddles from front door to your shower, and anywhere in between.
-You overcome your insecurities and run either entirely topless or with just your sports bra. #sportsbrasquad
-If you drive to your run, you bring a pad of some sort to place on your seat and behind your back so as not to soak your seat on the way back home. Or you bring an extra pair of clothes that also get soaked but not enough to soak your seat. #smellyCar
-No one can stand to be around you. #runnerstench -With every run, you find new ways and places your body has learned to chafe. #runnerchafe
-You long for winter.#WinterCantComeSoonEnough
-If you dare go outside, the trails and streets are void of other runners and bicyclists. #pansieRunners
-Running at four or five AM makes no difference.#sleeplessInHumidity
#miserableatanytimeofday   #humiditysucks   #keeponrunning   #ultraRunner  
Do you have any to add?

And how about some memes?

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