Monday, June 9, 2014


My mom and stepdad visited us this past weekend. I'm still not out to them, but I'm sure they have their suspicions with my long hair, blue-painted fingernails, and women's jeans. After Church on Sunday, she asked what my goals and our goals were. In the moment, a few things came to mind: get sealed, pay off student loans, credit cards, and car loan, get custody of both boys, save up for and get SRS. All I answered was that we are working on paying off my wife's credit card that maxed out while she was in college. Since then, I've been thinking of other possible goals listed below (in no particular order).
  • Run The Grand Slam of Ultrarunning™.  This series of races includes four of the oldest 100-milers in the US. The Old Dominion 100 Mile Cross Country Run used to be an alternate to the Vermont 100. I'd like to run it as well even though it's not a part of the Slam.
  • Run the Barkley Marathons - 100 miles of difficult bush-whacking, hill climbing, compass-navigating and more in the hills of Tennessee near Frozen Head State Park.
  • Get sealed to my wife in the temple, a special place where sacred ordinances are performed by those with authority from God.
  • Coneive a child with my wife
  • Earn another degree or two. Bachelor's, Master's, or maybe even a PhD. My BA and MS are both in Mathematics. Getting a Master's or PhD in Statistics would greatly enhance my resume.
  • Retire
  • Teach at a college or university, before or during retirement
  • Buy a cottage in eastern Europe
  • Find peace with my gender dysphoria, whether that includes full SRS, hormones for the rest of my life or some other form of treatment.

While none of those goals are SMART, they do give me direction and an idea where I'm headed.